Electrical and Computer Engineering
The Electrical Engineering (EE) department at NUST SEECS currently offers an undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering with various specializations and a strong post-graduate program leading to PhD in Electrical Engineering. The EE department offers a broad range of EE courses, both elementary and advanced, spanning the whole gamut of EE disciplines including areas such as electronics, electrical machines, power engineering, control systems, computer systems, communication systems and networks.
The EE department aims to achieve academic and research leadership in its subject area through its well-designed curriculum (that emphasizes conceptual understanding and fosters creativity) coupled with its strong focus on research, innovation, and industry-liaison. NUST SEECS also strongly emphasizes on imbibing the graduates with sound professional ethics.
Head of Department Message
Dr. Salman Abdul Ghafoor (Associate Dean Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Microelectronics has permeated all spheres of life in a big way. We are confronted with an era which features electronic data storage, retrieval, manipulation, and high-speed computing and communications based on high-density microelectronic and nanoelectronic solid-state integrated circuits. Revolution in wireless and optical communications technologies necessitates fundamental understanding of the generation, propagation, and detection of the electromagnetic and optical waves. In the wake of rapid technological advancements, where work and other activities are increasingly transformed by access to varied and developing technologies, the significance of preparing graduates for a career in the pervasive disciplines of electrical and electronics including information handling, aspects of telecommunications is of paramount importance. The graduates of this Electrical Engineering programme will possess a sound knowledge of electrical and electronic design and excellent practical skills, enabling them to design and develop the complex electronic systems required by the rapidly growing consumer and industrial electronics market. Some of the important programme details are as follows: Design and Development Engineer in the electronics industry Embedded System Design Control and Power Systems Design Engineer Design and Development Engineer in the telecommunications industry Design and Development Engineer in the computer industry Microelectronic Circuits and Systems Design Engineer Microwave Circuit Theory and Antenna Design Techniques Microelectronic Fabrication Technical Support Engineer Technical support engineer The time is now ripe for the graduates of the Electrical Engineering programme to equip themselves with knowledge that can assist them to leap into the real world wherein they shall be able to fulfill their dreams of being worthy and useful members of the engineering community. All of this demands exercise of potential and capabilities with enthusiasm and vigor. Let it not be said that we did not prove equal to the challenging task of being productive in this competitive global scenario. I wish and earnestly hope that as future belongs to us, we should shape it to lead Pakistan into the new technological era and beyond. Let not the hindrances faced by developing countries be a source of discontent. These can be overcome through intrinsic motivation to perform better so go ahead and make electrical engineering specialisation worthy of your contributions and successes.
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